4.3. Token Economy
As described above, SECURIST(SECU) TOKEN protects the personal information of customers or users and provides technical, it can be purchased continuously by all SECURIST users who require administrative information protection. Within the SECURIST platform, it can be used without restrictions for purchasing security software, security applications, or contracting security projects and DAOs. Examples include the following and may be expanded in the future.
1. Use within the SECURIST platform(Purchase and renewal of security solution licenses and maintenance payments from information protection solution partners such as ATHENA)
2. SECURIST platform information protection service business ordering and participation, recruitment, Register for a job, Payment of rewards to platform users and participants
4. Payment of SECURIST certification exam fee, Payment for use of related educational content
5. Use when subscribing to the information protection AI consulting license
6. Participation in DAO decision-making through the platform community
7. Connected SECURIST(SECU) TOKEN Market Platform (goods, gift cards, travel, Used for eating out, etc.
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